• The Gap Between the Job Market and Higher Education in the IT Field

    After stuffing ourselves, we returned back to the office to host our small discussion session event at TECHRISE. We invited a couple of startup guys, web developers and some college administrators. The purpose of the session was to discuss about the existing gap between the job market and higher education...

  • 8th NasCOIT Keynote Speech

    Saturday was another hectic day full of events. First of all there was the 8th National Student Conference on Information Technology - one of the most prestigious IT related events o the year. I’m not sure how they found us or why they decided to approach us, but about 3...

  • Freelancing Event Round 2

    Today we held our second public seminar on “How to Start Your Freelancing Career” at TECHRISE. The last time we decided to hold the same seminar, which was two weeks ago, more than 70 people registered to attend. We ended up having to select only 30 due to the limited...

  • A Refreshing Morning at Soma Cafe

    Recently I’ve been slightly restless. I’m not sure why but I’m guessing bits of fatigue and from being cooped up in the office too much. I love our building because we wake up, go down to the office to work, go up on the terrace to eat, and go even...

  • Stand-Up Meetings

    Glancing up at the calendar it surprises me that we are still into our third week since officially launching TECHRISE. I’m not saying that we have been so successful that we can’t believe our achievements over the past third weeks. Rather, we are surprised at how much we have been...